An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Spring Issue of "The Volunteer Monitor" Online

The current issue of The Volunteer Monitor focuses on "Emerging Issues and New Technologies." Stories include:

  • Monitoring Impacts of New Gas-Drilling Technologies
  • Freshwater Algae Blooms
  • Marine Algae Network
  • Using Google "My Maps"
  • Data Mapping Examples
  • Protecting Lake Hallett
  • One-Day Snapshot
  • Dealing with the Downturn
  • Better Outreach and Impact
  • Electronic Meters
  • Naming a Creek
A quote from the article on Google's My Maps:
Adding spatial context to monitoring data through the use of interactive web-based maps can greatly enhance data use and visualization. People really appreciate being able to see a sampling site in relation to surrounding land use, their homes, roads, landmarks, and other features.
Your WaterAtlas team wholeheartedly agrees! :)