An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

EPA Launches New Lake Shoreland Protection Web Clearinghouse

EPA's Office of Water has launched a new Web clearinghouse of Lake Shoreland Protection Resources which provides practitioners with links to key resources to protect and restore fragile lake shorelands and to promote better stewardship by lakeside property owners and others who recreate on lakes. The clearinghouse, which includes links to fact sheets, webcasts, videos, and other helpful resources for lakeshore protection, is part of an outreach campaign to educate the public and others about the key findings of the National Lakes Assessment (NLA). According to the NLA, poor lakeshore habitat and high levels of nutrients are leading stressors affecting the biological health of lakes. Among the key findings:

  • 56% of our lakes are in good biological condition
  • More than one-third of our lakes exhibit poor shoreline condition
  • Nearly 20% of lakes have high levels of nutrients
  • Microcystin is present in about one-third of lakes