An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Minimum Flows & Levels Meeting Sept. 28th

The District will hold a public meetings in late September to discuss MFLs prevention and recovery strategies for water bodies in northeast and central Florida.

The Seminole-North Orange counties technical work group will meet at 2 p.m., Sept. 28, at the Sylvan Lake Park Training Facility, 845 Lake Markham Road, Sanford. The Seminole-North Orange counties technical work group was formed to develop a list of prevention and recovery strategies for Lake Brantley, Mills Lake, Palm Springs, Lake Prevatt, Sanlando Springs, Lake Sylvan and Starbuck Spring.

Stakeholder meetings are being held in areas where MFLs are currently not being met or are projected not to be met within 20 years. The District's goal is to work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop long-term comprehensive strategies to achieve the MFLs.