An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

SJR Water Supply Impact Study Subject of Mar. 30th Public Meeting

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The St. Johns River Water Management District recently released its report on the St. John River Water Supply Impact Study, the most comprehensive and scientifically rigorous analysis of the St. Johns River ever conducted.

There will be a public meeting on March 30, beginning at 9:30 a.m., to give the public an opportunity to learn about the study and the results, and pose questions to the scientists about the details and methodologies of the study. The meeting will be held at District headquarters, Governing Board room, 4049 Reid Street (Hwy 100 West), Palatka.

The four-year study resulted in the development of state-of-the-art models and methodologies that can be used in consumptive use permitting, minimum flows and levels development, regional water projects and water supply planning. The tools developed through the study will be applied during the review process for any future river water withdrawal permit applications. The amount of water that may ultimately be withdrawn will depend on the proposed location, design and timing of the withdrawal and numerous permitting criteria that are considered when a permit application is submitted. These tools also can be used by local governments, other agencies, and potentially with other river systems.