An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Bioassessment Workshop in Gainesville on June 18th

On Monday, June 18th, the Florida Lake Management Society will be hosting a Bioassessment SOP workshop and field training in Gainesville, taught by Russ Frydenborg and Nia Wellendorf, FDEP. The workshop will be at the Paramount Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Gainesville.

WORKSHOP: DEP Measures of Floral Health: Procedures and Uses.
This workshop will teach participants about the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for these tools, what roles they play in Florida water quality standards and impaired waters determinations. The workshop will also review basic water sampling techniques and associated quality assurance requirements for entities that submit water quality data to DEP.

If you plan to conduct the bioassessment tools that are included in the new Numeric Nutrient Criteria or just want a better understanding of the tools, this workshop will give a thorough overview of the following bioassessment tools:

• Lake Vegetation Index (LVI) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Linear Vegetation Survey (LVS) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Rapid Periphyton Survey (RPS) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Role of LVI, LVS, and RPS in Chapters 62-302 and 62-303, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Water Quality Standards and Impaired Waters Rule, respectively 5
• Basic water quality sampling Quality Assurance (QA) considerations

The afternoon session of the workshop will include a field portion to practice the LVI, LVS, and RPS. Participants will learn how to conduct the assessments, including field judgments required. The field portion of the workshop will be an excellent opportunity for plant ID training. Boats will NOT be needed.

Anyone can attend just the workshop on June 18th for a registration fee of $55 which includes lunch! The FLMS conference will be held that Tuesday –Thursday, but you can register JUST for the workshop if that is all that you’re interested in attending.

Visit to register or call Maryann Krisovitch by June 4 to reserve your spot!

Additional Contact Information

Maryann Krisovitch

Lake County Water Authority
