An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Volunteer this Saturday at Lake Brantley shoreline restoration!

Seminole County Watershed Management & the SERV Program invite you to participate in a shoreline restoration project. Join us and help plant shoreline vegetation to improve ecosystem function, habitat, and water quality!

What: Join us and help plant shoreline vegetation at Lake Brantley!
Why: Improve water and habitat quality & beautify the lake
Where: 219 Palmetto Concourse, Longwood FL 32779
When: THIS Saturday April 13th, 2013, from 9 am to noon

• Please plan to get muddy and wet during planting!
• Gloves, hat, old clothes, closed-toed shoes & sunscreen recommended
• Event kick-off location: 219 Palmetto Concourse, Longwood 32779
• To register, please call Elizabeth Stevens at 407-665-2457 or email