An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Judge sides with feds against environmentalists on pollution limits

By Bruce Ritchie

A federal judge on Tuesday [Jan. 7, 2014] sided with Florida and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency on their agreement in 2013 allowing the state to set water quality standards in waterways.

An attorney representing environmental [groups] said they are considering an appeal. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection marks a "significant step forward" in protecting and restoring water quality.

Industry groups and legislative leaders criticized a 2009 agreement between the EPA and environmental groups calling on the federal agency to set limits for nitrogen and phosphorus, called numeric nutrient criteria. In 2013, the Legislature passed SB 1808 backing an agreement with the federal EPA calling for the state instead to set limits.