An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Tuskawilla Nutrient and Hydrologic Study Underway

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Hydrologic and nutrient budgets will be developed for Tuskawilla Lake to identify significant pollution sources and to provide a water quality management plan to identify specific projects and recommendations designed to improve the water quality in Tuskawilla Lake. Environmental Research & Design, Inc. (ERD) will be conducting this in-depth study which is funded by Seminole County. Once the report is complete, a community meeting will be held to discuss the results and recommendations provided by ERD.

The study includes a 12-month field monitoring program to assist in quantifying water and nutrient inputs to the lake. One of the inputs under evaluation by ERD is groundwater seepage, which consists of shallow subsurface inflow around the perimeter of the lake. Groundwater seepage has been shown to be a significant input to many lakes in the Central Florida area. This input is evaluated using an aluminum underwater chamber which is placed on the bottom of the lake. A schematic of a typical chamber is shown below. Water, which seeps into the lake from groundwater, is collected in a plastic bag that is attached to the seepage meter. The bag is retrieved by a diver, and the volume of water is measured and a sample collected for lab analyses. This information is used to estimate the volume and quality of groundwater seepage entering the lake.

A total of 14 seepage meters will be installed in Tuskawilla Lake by ERD during the first week of December. These meters will remain in the lake for a period of one year and should not interfere with any water sports. ERD personnel will collect samples from the meters on a monthly basis.

Please do not disturb this equipment. If you notice a meter which has been damaged, please call ERD at 407-855-9465.