An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

CFWI calls for projects to help meet Florida’s water demands

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Source: Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI)

A colorful collection of pipes and pumps sits behind a fence in Seminole County. Segments of blue, green and red are riveted together like a sophisticated LEGO set, but this structure is capable of something far more impressive than any toy.

It’s part of an integrated stormwater, reuse, and reclaimed water system that will deliver excess stormwater and reclaimed water from Altamonte Springs to the city of Apopka.

This alternative water supply project is an example of the kinds of projects that the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) is soliciting to meet the area’s future water demands.

Because of the projected limitations on existing sources of water, water suppliers and other stakeholders within the CFWI planning area were recently asked to identify potential water supply and conservation projects to help meet water demands through 2040.

These projects will help manage the region’s water supply needs by providing water to meet a variety of needs, like public supply, agricultural, commercial and recreational, all while sustaining Florida’s water resources and related natural systems.

“Collaboration is a central and vital element to the CFWI. We’ve put out this call for projects because we want to involve our stakeholders in developing solutions to our regional water supply challenges,” said Thomas Kiger, who leads the CFWI Water Projects Options sub-team.

“Our goal is to create a broad suite of water supply and conservation options that will enable us to meet our water supply needs now and into the future.”

Kiger said in addition to water conservation, he anticipates other water supply options will help meet CFWI needs, including surface water, brackish groundwater, an increased use of reclaimed water and aquifer recharge.

The call for projects runs through October 2018. Project options that meet the goals of the

CFWI regional water supply plan will be included in the list.

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit potential projects, even if they are in early planning stages. While submitting a potential project does not commit a stakeholder to build a project, it will provide a central place where water users can collaborate to evaluate future water supply options. These projects will serve as a list of options in the upcoming Regional Water Supply Plan from which local governments, utilities and others can choose to help meet their water demands over time.