An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Report: Treasured but suffering, Florida springs get ‘miniscule’ attention

Florida’s care for its famous springs is so feeble that it will take centuries to restore these environmental treasures based on current efforts and assuming pollution from agriculture, septic tanks and other sources stops immediately.

That assessment from the Florida Springs Council, a coalition of more than a dozen groups defending springs and rivers, is based on an analysis of springs projects pursued by the state authorities.“Our analysis paints a bleak picture of the future of Florida’s most iconic springs,” states a Florida Springs Council report issued Wednesday.

The coalition echoes mounting frustrations among many springs and river groups that South Florida’s Everglades projects enjoy billions of dollars in state funding, while Central and North Florida’s spring systems—confirmed by authorities as polluted and declining in flows—receive minimal help.

“The state budget created and passed by the Florida Legislature each year, and signed into law by Florida’s Governor reflects the values of our elected leaders,” the report adds. “Clearly, our current elected leaders do not value the health of Florida’s springs or the communities that rely upon them.”

The report asserts that state agencies have woefully underfunded projects meant to restore spring water quality and quantity. But meanwhile, according to the Florida Springs Council, various authorities do far too little to regulate the springs’ pollution from agricultural, septic tanks, sewage systems and urban landscaping fertilizers.

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