An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

DEP launches new Green Stormwater Infrastructure website

TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Water Restoration Assistance Nonpoint Source Management program announces the launch of the new green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) website. The site is a resource where communities can learn what GSI is, why it matters, how to get started, and how to implement projects that deliver environmental, social and economic benefits to communities.

"I encourage our stakeholders to visit the new GSI website. This site complements our agency’s ongoing efforts to protect Florida’s water resources by providing case studies, technical guidance and information about funding offered by DEP for green stormwater infrastructure,” said DEP Deputy Secretary for Ecosystems Restoration Adam Blalock. "Information will be kept up to date with the latest research and technical guidance in coordination with our partners at the University of Florida, Florida State University, the water management districts and local municipalities."

The new website showcases green stormwater infrastructure success stories along with technical resources to assist in project planning. These resources will assist communities in determining which stormwater best management practices are most appropriate for an area, evaluating costs and maintenance requirements, and estimating nutrient reduction effectiveness.

Examples of green stormwater infrastructure include:

  • Bioswales - Vegetated, shallow, landscaped feature designed to capture, treat and infiltrate stormwater runoff.
  • Tree boxes - Stormwater control measures around individual trees (usually in a downtown or main street streetscape) that collect and treat stormwater prior to discharge into the storm sewer system or subsoil.
  • Permeable pavement - Porous urban surface that catches precipitation and surface runoff, allowing it to slowly infiltrate the soil below.

"This new website will be a great resource for anyone needing information on GSI - from the general public, to local elected officials, to consultants and engineers," said Dr. Eban Bean, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist of Urban Water Resources Engineering at the University of Florida. "They did a great job making all the information available in one place, no m