OVIEDO – To celebrate Water Safety Month, the City of Oviedo is hosting a Water Safety Day at the Oviedo Aquatic Facility.
Kids will be getting out of school soon, staying home, going to camps, or heading out on vacation with the family for the summer holidays. With so many bodies of water in Florida, the City of Oviedo wants to make sure the kids stay safe in and around water by hosting a Water Safety Day.
According to the Florida Department of Health, Florida is ranked 5th in the nation for unintentional drowning deaths. The City of Oviedo Aquatics Team has put together this event to educate parents and kids and offer information about various swimming classes for all ages at the facility. Aquatics staff, first responders and more will be on-site with information about water safety and summer programs and fun activities for the entire family.
“Over the years, the City has created many robust classes that offer swimming lessons to all ages and various skill levels,” said Recreation and Parks Director Paul Belden. “We also offer CPR classes and Life Guard Training Classes here in Oviedo to make sure all of our families are water-aware and know how to get themselves to safety and help others during a water emergency.”
Along with the activities, the Aquatics Facility will be open and free to the public during the event. This includes the Splash Zone and Big Kahuna Pool.
What: Water Safety Day
When: Saturday, May 20, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Oviedo Aquatics Center and Gym – 148 Oviedo Blvd. Oviedo
Cost: Free to the Public