Seminole County leaders reveal plans to alleviate local flooding
SEMINOLE COUNTY – Seminole County leaders were not celebrating a new building or fancy road but rather a significant investment for the folks living along Retreat Road near Mullet Lake Park in Seminole County.
"Here we are today with a finished project that's going to result in many of these residents having easier access to their homes, taking the flooding away from the roads that you see out here," said Jay Zembower, Seminole County commissioner.
Zembower said the one point eight million dollar project won't handle another Hurricane Ian.
"This, of course, will not take care of a Hurricane Ian event, but it certainly will help these folks on smaller events, and in afternoon summer rain storms, we won't have the flooding that we've had here in the past," Zembower said.
Ian delayed the project three months because the work started a month before the hurricane caused that record flooding.
The pond is only part of the project. A significant part of it is improving the ditches along the road. They're broader and deeper, allowing the water to flow away from the pond and flow into the river.