An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Seminole County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

SJRWMD encourages HOAs to use water wisely during the current water shortage

On May 16, the St. Johns River Water Management district sent the letter below to HOAs within its jurisdiction.

On May 9, the St. Johns River Water Management District expanded a Water Shortage Warning for its 18-county service area due to below-average rainfall. The order includes all of Brevard, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Indian River, Nassau, Putnam, Seminole, St. Johns and Volusia counties, and parts of Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Lake, Marion, Okeechobee, Orange and Osceola counties.

The objective of the Water Shortage Warning Order is to reduce water use and increase awareness of the need for water conservation. Although conditions have not yet reached a point where there is an expectation of insufficient water to meet anticipated demand and protect water resources, current conditions do warrant heightened water conservation.

For many residential water users, the greatest water savings can be realized outdoors, where more than half of residential water is used on lawns and landscapes.

Understanding that many Homeowner Associations and residents address irrigation and landscaping via their Deed Restrictions and Covenants, we are asking for your support to promote water conservation with specific attention to how water is used outdoors.

As we prepare for the potential of prolonged drought, there are many actions that can help ensure the most efficient use of water, thus extending our potable water supply, until summer rains return.

  • Postpone any recommendations to sod or re-sod landscapes, as new sod requires increased irrigation for successful establishment.
  • Postpone any recommendations for extensive pressure-washing projects, which use significant amounts of water.
  • Please help us ensure residents are aware of watering restrictions. Year-round watering restrictions are in place to ensure that water used for irrigation is used efficiently, and specifies the days and hours to water lawns. Current irrigation is allowed between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. and the designated watering days depend on whether you have an odd or even numbered address. Printable materials and information about watering restrictions are available online at

Water conservation is the cornerstone of Florida's water sustainability -- the district believes that conservation is a critical strategy in meeting the current and future water supply needs of our state. If you would like to schedule a water conservation presentation for your group, please contact Jennifer Mitchell, Public Communication Coordinator, at 904-730-6283 or